Behavioral Health Consultation and Training

2133465659The research-to-practice pipeline is not in great shape.

We are living through exciting times in the behavioral sciences. Tremendous amounts of high-quality research, revealing groundbreaking discoveries and insights, appear as publications at a vigorous pace.

These achievements contrast with the reality that almost none of these findings make it from the lab to the office, becoming lost indefinitely to the (increasingly digital) bookshelves. And what little does make it into practice takes about 30 years from discovery to routine application in the real world.

There are many reasons for these leaks and lags, most systemic and beyond your control – or mine. But since you are a lifelong learner and must earn continuing education credits, some essential things are under your power to get a ton of great stuff out there to enhance your practice!

The right resources are useful for all your clients.

Have you kept your eye on opportunities to train with your favorite guru in an incredible location? Go ahead and take it – I might even see you there!

I’d be willing to wager you’ll leave that 1- or 2-day intensive training invigorated, empowered, and feeling like it’s the game changer you’ve been seeking. And I’ll double down and bet two weeks later that I’d be able to catch you giving the same rehearsed spiel you did the week before you took that training.

Sound familiar? The guru didn’t trick you, and you’re not the problem. Very few of us can take in all that information and seamlessly integrate it into our practice. Part of you probably knows this already.

Remember when you were still in training? You would learn a little at a time, practice what you learned, receive feedback from your supervisor, and practice some more. After that, you would use the learned skills with a client, receive more feedback, think about the feedback, and practice some more. Then, you would try again with a client – over and over.

That’s how you got good, and this is where I can help.

1297544911Let’s work on a stimulating plan that makes a difference long-term.

The problem is that after we’re all done with our training and supervision, there’s no built-in place to receive the practice and feedback we need to turn the guru’s insights into our natural next move with a client. It’s not rocket surgery – it’s the deliberate practice of critical skills and techniques, frequent high-quality feedback, and repetition.

All you need is the seed of what you’d like to integrate into your conversations about change to improve your ability to move the needle more consistently with more of your clients.

I’ve worked extensively as a consultant and trainer with individuals from various professional disciplines, using several therapeutic modalities and meeting formats for application in research, clinical training, medical, educational, and real-world clinical settings.

Reach out today to explore what I might be able to do to help you take steps toward sustainable change for the better!